
It’s Hug Your Cat Day!

Do you happen to have a cuddly cat? Then June 4th is for you, because it’s Hug Your Cat Day! Our feline companions are undeniably affectionate and love to be cuddled. Well, at least some of them do. Continue reading as a Dunedin, FL veterinarian shares insights on hugging Fluffy.

What If My Cat Isn’t A Fan Of Hugs?

Some cats can be quite distant. Remember, Fluffy may express her love in different ways, such as spending time with you, staying close by, or even giving you some space. That’s perfectly acceptable. There are plenty of other things you can do to get that little motor running.

If you need a reminder, here are some things that Fluffy probably loves:

Catnip: It’s no surprise that a cat’s preferred plant is ranked at the top of the list. That said, not all cats are susceptible to it. If your cat doesn’t seem interested, try some honeysuckle toys. Cats who aren’t interested in catnip often prefer honeysuckle. Just be sure to only use toys that are specifically designed for cats.

Boxes: Luckily, our feline overlords are quite content with simple things. Just offer your pet an empty box and see if she can resist jumping in.

New Toys: Playing has many benefits for Fluffy, positively impacting her mental and physical well-being. Keeping your furry friend in good shape is also important. Timing those trick pounces can also provide a valuable mental challenge.

Beds: Did you know that cats can sleep for up to 20 hours a day? It’s fascinating how much time they spend snoozing! Getting Fluffy a new bed is sure to make her purr with delight.

Furniture: Provide your pet with a variety of options for climbing, lounging, and exploring. Think cat tower, kitty tunnel, or window seat, where she can rest and show off her master relaxation skills.

Conversation: There are other ways to make Fluffy feel loved besides hugging and petting her. Simply talk to her. As an added bonus, kitties make wonderful confidantes and they’re great at keeping secrets!

Treats: Although cats can be picky eaters, many of them do have a preferred treat. That said, try to stick with healthier choices.

Vet Visits: Regular visits to your local Dunedin, FL pet clinic may not be your kitty’s favorite activity, but they are essential for keeping her happy and healthy.

Is Ok To Hug My Cat?

In general, yes, but there are a few factors to consider. First, it’s important to always respect a kitty’s boundaries and not force them into unwanted hugs or holds. This is unlikely to impress her: and more likely to provoke her. Trust must be earned from Fluffy, and it might require some time.

Which Cat Breeds Are Known For Being The Most Affectionate?

Although breed doesn’t have as significant of an impact on a cat’s physiology as it does with dogs, it still plays a role. Every kitty has its own unique personality, but there are certain breeds that are famous for being affectionate and cuddly. They are as follows: 

Maine Coon
Scottish Fold
Russian Blue
American Short hair
Devon Rex
Cornish Rex

Do Cats Enjoy Being Cuddled?

Many cats enjoy when their owners pet and cuddle them. Fluffy is the ideal size for curling up on our laps. Although, it’s unclear whether she seeks affection or simply views us as a cozy napping spot.

On a more serious note, cats are incredibly emotional creatures. Ultimately, their desire is to receive affection, be embraced, and experience a sense of love and security. Studies have actually shown that our feline companions consider us to be their second parents. Kittens, especially, have a strong desire for security and affection.

How Can I Get My Cat To Be More Affectionate?

There’s no magic answer here. At the end of the day, it all boils down to showing Fluffy love and kindness. Communicate with her, show her lots of affection, and give her your undivided attention.

Why Do Some Cats Hate Hugs?

Each kitty has its own unique preferences. Your pet’s history could be a contributing factor. If she wasn’t socialized as a kitten or spent time living as a stray, she might be a little more cautious. Some cats may choose to snuggle with their humans only when they feel like it. It can be quite frustrating when Fluffy chooses to ignore you while you’re watching TV, only to suddenly demand attention when you’re busy with something else.

The good news is, over time, cats can gradually become more affectionate. It’s quite a remarkable experience when a distant and anxious kitty finally decides to curl up in your lap!

How To Give A Cat A Proper Hug

While picking up your cat may not seem overly complicated, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind. Properly supporting your furry friend is of utmost importance. It is essential for her weight to be evenly distributed on her hind end or back legs. It’s fine if she decides to place her front paws on your arm or shoulders.

Avoid holding her by the stomach. That can potentially lead to internal injuries. It’s also uncomfortable. Being lifted by the stomach is definitely not a pleasant experience!

When your pet decides she’s had enough, let her go. Building trust is crucial in this context. If you try to keep hold of Fluffy, she might become scared and defensive.

What Are The Benefits Of Hugging Cats?

Cuddling with your cat can have positive effects on both of you. Our feline friends are often perceived as cold and aloof, but the truth is, most crave attention and love. By giving Fluffy your undivided attention and showering her with affection, you can strengthen the bond of love and trust you share with her.

Hugging cats can be a truly enjoyable experience. Snuggling with your furry pal releases a special hormone in both of you called oxytocin, which is the same hormone released in mothers and babies when they snuggle. This naturally fosters a special bond between them.

And then there’s Fluffy’s purr. That special rumble features some unique and fascinating qualities. The frequency range at which cats purr typically falls between 25 and 140 Hertz. Research has demonstrated that these frequencies can promote healing and enhance bone growth. They are also utilized in physical therapy. And, as you may already be aware, snuggling a purring cat can be incredibly soothing (until the moment she decides to knead you).

Cats That Could Use Some Extra Love

We believe that every cat deserves love and affection, no matter what their origin or personality may be. Sadly, many cats are currently residing in shelters, eagerly awaiting someone to provide them with a loving, furever home.

With June being Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, now is the perfect opportunity to make a difference. Obviously, welcoming a cuddly feline into your home would be the perfect way to commemorate this important occasion.

But there are other ways to contribute as well, such as making donations, delivering supplies, fostering, volunteering, or simply raising awareness.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Dunedin, FL Animal Clinic

Has it been a while since your cat had a checkup? Did you recently bring home a new feline friend? Get in touch with us, your trusted Dunedin, FL vet, today. We are here to help! 

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